One Late Evening

It's late, and your on the couch watching the latest episode of Adventure Time that you recorded for just such a situation. Your nodding off during a commercial when all of the sudden you hear knocking at the door.

Knock Knock Knock

You sit up and look over at the door. It's way to late for someone to be out there now... and besides your shows back and you don't want to move.

Knock Knock Knock

Oh for christs sake. "Go away, were trying to sleep here!" You yell in a half-assed attempt to get them to leave.

Knock Knock Knock

You groan, but eventually get up off the couch and walk to the door. When looking through the peephole you see a man standing on the other side. Your not sure why but something about him is giving you the chills. "Listen old man, Whatever your selling we don't want any. Go Away.
You walk half way back to the couch before the knocking comes again, but more violent this time.

Knock Knock Knock

You get frustrated. What does this son of a bitch not understand, you think as you stomp over to the door. You unlock the door and swing it open to find no one. Not a soul. "Real funny asshole." You yell before slamming the door shut. But before you could turn around, a cold, boney hand lands on your shoulder. "Thanks for the meal." He says gleefully.